- make sure you take all the stats you want before you close the books
- LPL carries encumbrances over to the next year
- 0's out expenditures
- advise us to email III and say this is what we're going to do on X day, is it ok?...can we have a contact person to communicate with directly on that day?
- follow every single word in the instructions
Fascinating things I learned at conferences and workshops...intended for the information of my colleagues and anyone else who might be interested.
Friday, November 03, 2006
ECIUG '06: Extra Info from Chit Chat
I asked Beth Whitney (from London P.L.'s Cataloging Dept) re Year End tips for Larry:
ECIUG '06: googleanalytics
Dave from LPL (impromptu presentation)
- googleanalytics is a free utility that can tell you all sorts of things about how people use your opac
- copy code to botlogo in wwwoptions to apply to all pages
- (Claudia from E&S added it to our website last week and I'll add to opac)
- includes map of where users are coming from, overlay re what parts of page people are using, info on browsers, screen resolution, sofware (java, flash etc.), connection speed
- nifty...but makes me think 'what is google getting out of this'...check Stephen Ab's blog to see if he has commented
ECIUG '06: Re-Indexing Our Database
Raj Jain (Head of Cataloguing) / Karen Marshall (Director of Tech Services)
University of Western Ontario
University of Western Ontario
- Why?...public service request for e-books index and Journal title index
- decided to re-index to achieve this, and solve a bunch of other problems (eg. with RACER)
- indexes can only be build with data from marc records
- check / re-check / check again what you think the system *should* be doing and what it is actually doing
- indexing takes a long time...and there are performance issues while it's going on
ECIUG '06: Use of Preferred Searches
Eeva Stierwalt from London Public Library
- use Preferred Searches and email alerts for home service patrons
- "exclude books I've read" used in conjunction
- nifty
- I need to look in to our email alerts...on OPAC imp. cmte list of things to do
- LPL uses false email addresses which include patron name and route number, so they get info they need from bounced email file
- suggest to SR/JAg/LAK for our home service patrons
ECIUG '06: Graphical Self-Check
Eeva Stierwalt, London Public Library
- currently implementing Graphical Self Check at all branches
- previously had CODOCO big self-check machines
- empowring patrons...mirroring retail experience (Walmart, Home Depot etc.)
- free-up staff to provide quality service
- LPL has NO security gates at branches, so easy for them...no desensitizing equipment required
- speed / convenient / fun
- pilot project outline:
- 7 member team
- identified locations
- best practices research
- looks at other iii libs using this...average number of self checkouts = 54%...most not using security systems (theft rate = same)
- reviewed lending policies
- so peeps could cout as much as possible
- equiment and furniture needs assessed
- pilot set up
- customization with iii
- roll out
- followed up with stats
- peeps love it
- touch screens
- only need electircal outlet and internet plug-in, computer, hand-held scanner
- signage/advertising
- staff simply scan a barcode to log in and out
- market to staff...train them to train the peeps
- periodic survey for feedback
- teach peeps to know difference between library barcode and publisher's barcode, and to *read* the screen re error messages...must bring "lock box" items to the desk
- have a staff monitor for the first while
ECIUG '06: Enterprise Backup Development
Fangmin Wang, Ryerson University
- talked about how at Ryerson they use a third-party backup program
- uses Backup API (Application Programming Interface...how one piece of software communicates with another)
- went with alternate method becuase III's standard backup method is not very convenient...labour intensive, routine task...and Ryerson's IT dept. has a huge IBM "tape robot"
- on the iug list there's a linux verion of the backup script (contributed by Mike Lynch)
- they use the Millenium tape back up as a secondary back up
ECIUG '06: Beyond the OPAC - Providing Additional Avenues to the Catalogue
Mike Cunningham
Web Services Librarian
Cambridge Public Library
Web Services Librarian
Cambridge Public Library
- web sites vs. opacs...how to drive traffic to your opac and within opac
- RSS feeds, php with mysqul database
- create lists for new items, export to text file, delete field names, save as ANSI, opne in phpmyadmin...etc...
- opac enrichment and reviews...link new movies to imdb...embed relevant booklists from an extrenal ColdFusion aplication
- can reference external javascript files in botlogo wwwoptions...all automated links, slicker than Syndetics
- reviews incorporated into opac...also kids' and teens' sites
- in-house build reviews system...cheaper / simpler than iii's
- can also use javascript to remove stuff from the opac, for eg. "kill call # linking" which confuses patrons...removes the hyperlink tag...nice!
- alternate opac search via z39.50 (eg. Ann Arbour, Plymouth State...OPAC massaged in to a wordpress format...slick)
- Hot Items list at AADL...criteria = # of holds...John Blyber's blog comment re analyzing holds...didn't work for Cambridge...used "view outstanding holds", then:
- sent to email
- save email as text
- Perl script
- retrieve bib # and # of holds
- online form
- Cold Fusion
- access d-base
- Book cover browser...nice...
- inspiration from itunes' cd cover browse
- used Yahoo Carosel and Reflections JS
- hot book cover browser...purple eye icon on "new books, cds, and more" page...check it out here
- thankfully, Cambridge is all about SHARING...has policy to share code for all this nifty stuff
- see his complete presentation here
- check out Mike's blog
ECIUG '06: III Company Update
Maruta Skujina (our Customer Support person) and Mary Chevreau (Maruta's boss, oversees all of N. America)
- What's new with R2006:
- ecommerce integration with graphic self-check, also RFID compatable
- teleforms will now "speak" the patron's name
- SUSHI: Standardized usage stats harvesting initiative...use with ERM
- "Tickers"...in Acquisitions and Serials...little reminder notes linked to records to remind another staff person to do something to that record
- WebPAC Pro..."Going Pro"
- check out csdirect for official info
- free upgrade from R2006
- place a commitment service request to helpdesk to request
- some new stuff that's coming down the pipe will be based on webpacpro
- one big feature = "Right Results"...relevance ranking...rates title and author hits higher than notes, for eg.
- III offers a "WebPAC refresher service"
- WebPAC Pro options (extra cost?):
- spell check..."did you mean?"...drop-down dictionary
- community reviews (staff can vet before publishing)
- RSS feed builder
- RSS...
- incoming feeds (free in R2006)
- outoging feeds
- via Create Lists
- webPAC Pro
- outgoing 1:1 feed for patrons record events
- my record feeds ... notification of change eg. you have fines (not specific amount)
- robust list of electronic packages and titles
- A-Z list
- marc record service
- case.iii.com
- useful for TBPL?...not sure...
- subscription service, updated monthly
- Program Registration Module (similar to events)...cost????!!!
- calendar
- patron self-reg
- integrated with patron dbase and My Millennium
- programs are in OPAC, so show up in searches...nifty
- staff interface: Registration Desk...easy to email registered peeps, can do create lists with reg info
- TODO: compare with e*vents re cost and functionality...would we be able to use for internal room booking?...staff only?...repress from public view type of thing?
- Millennium Load Scheduler
- automate Create Lists
- nifty
- cost?
- can NOT change parameters in saved search strategies though...so, could not use for new/hot...simply runs exactly the same search again...does not even refresh the review file
- III's answer to the callenge of how to make the library a starting point for patrons' searches...support richer content in the results...allow community participation
- ratings, reviews, tags BY patrons, in the opac
- will transform the library's web interface
- will be introduced in R07 (but costs extra...sale on now...)
- "best bets" suggestions to push out recomendations
- federated search results (will it work with AGent?)
- runs on apache server...uses AJAX and other new technologies
- Westerville and 12 other libs are deveopment partners
- ENCORE is a "presentation layer"...slick single-search-box and book shelf of new titles' book jackets
- tagging...can be cloud or list
- faceted searchging
- for eg check out Zappos shoes
- can search for all books rated "excellent", search reviews...search non-marc info
- Federated search integration with Research Pro
- SmartLinking for librarian-suggested resources with Pathfinder Pro
- rich in info...easy to use...2.0
- Maruta showed a falshy marketing DVD (can we borrow or download it to show staff?
- it is possible to have ENCORE without having all the other bits
- ENCORE comes WITH a server...set up and ready to go...special introductory pricing now...
ECIUG '06: Overview
Wow. Just got back from spending a jam-packed day at Kitchener Public Library with about 65 peeps from other III libs in Ontario. London, Waterloo, Kitchener, Cambridge, Western, Brock, Ryerson, U of Ottawa were all there. It was great to meet Eeva Stierwalt from LPL and lots of others who I have been emailling a great deal over the past year. I presented on E-Commerce, which went well even though I was a nervous newbie. SO many ideas and inspirations and things to do!
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
CIL'06: Can your LIS do this?
David Hook, MDA (manufacturer of the robotic arm of the space shuttle)
- developed a specialized LIS based on inmagic
- very specialized lib
- what's new with a canned search
- keeps a log of queries, reference questions, and how answer found...for FAQs...future plan to post faq's with search results
- needed to communicate with his users
- searchable phone list developed for his intranet
- created an internal blog
- things to make his life as a special lib easier
CIL'06: The Web 2.0 Challenge for Librarians
Paul Miller, Techonology Evangelist, Talis Information Ltd.
**one of the BEST speakers**
**one of the BEST speakers**
- has a PHd in Archeology!
- reality = google
- oclc env. scan...library use is down, but peeps are still coming...to use the internet etc.
- only 27% of people visited a lib website recently
- open the lib beyond the walls
- PUSH the lib everywhere
- engage potential user groups
- dismantle your ILS...use the bits that make sense, and build something better...should be like lego*
- shared innovation
- "Talking with Talis"...webcasts...lib 2.0 gang...future of the opac
- how users are doing it themselves:
- WPopac...blogging tool over opac
- aadl.org
- Anne Arbour catalogue with comments
- new ways to reach out...make your data work harder
- shared platforms...nuture a community
- shared set of core peices, shared foundations
- has to cross divide between vendors
- we need to insist that vendors work together
- talis is doing this
- get involved...be a part of it
- challenge all assumptions!
- why are we doing EVERY THING this way?
- share innovation
CIL'06: Search Engines Vs. Libraries: The Role of Librarians on the Internet
Gary Price (a librarian)
- director of online resources at ask.com
- yes, there is a role for libs, but we have to speak up, LOUDLY!
- we can save peeps time, effort and aggravation, but we need to SHOW them...get in their faces...there are bigger and more haystacks out there
- info literacy is VIP
- a lot of services we consider "basic" are unknown to many users
- marketing and branding...tell people...word of mouth..."viral" marketing!
- SHOW people that libraries and librarians are important
- become the info "go to" people
- ask.com
- crawler-based engine
- pre-built Q&A model is gone
- zoom...query refinement
- image database
- maps...with driving and walking directions
- customize stuff on right hand side, or minimize
CIL'06: Supporting the Digital World with Gadgets
Hope Tillman, Director of Libs, Babson College
- Questions to consider:
- what gadgets are your customers using now?
- also how staff can use
- trends:
- convergence...multi-purpose...phone/camera/email
- personalization / customization
- miniturization
- zdnet's top 10 gadget must-haves
- changes every few weeks
- pocket scanners
- reading pens
- translations, definitions
- scanning
- docupen
- digital pen
- write on a tablet, and pen records up to 40 pages
- security
- everywhere
- fingerprint scanning
- on keyboards (for authentication!)
- on usb drives (bio stick fingerprint reader)
- Naperville Public Lib (ILL) fingerprint id for internet access...WOW!
- privacy concern vs. inventory control
- special purpose chips
- usb drivers
- debit card keys
- book locker
- wireless devices:
- mice / keyboards
- cordless presenter
- Game machines
- sony psp
- GPS devices
- scavenger hunts
- geocaching game
- fun way to pull in new users (more folks in tbay might have gps than pdas...the hunting/fishing crowd?)
- library applications:
- podcasting/geocaching/blogs
- operations (inventory control)
- communication/collaboration
- learning/entertainment
- next?
- e-ink, e-paper
- "soft" hardware...eg. fabric keyboard
- wearable computing (eg. ipod controls on sleeve)
- movie glasses
- head-worn display
- Games and Libs:
- embedded librarians
- going where the GenM's are
- play a character in a game who comes to help...guided learning...the M's expect to find faq's / cheats, so give it to them
- "Ambient Findability: What we find changes who we become"
- it's all about being user-centric
CIL'06: Keynote: The Internet: Enhancing Work and Play
Lee Rainie...Pew Internet and American Life Project
- theloudlibrarian.net
- millennials...
- "Millennials Rising" book
- they are:
- special
- sheltered
- confident
- team-oriented
- achieving
- pressured
- conventional
- "trophy kids"
- tech-embracing
- "digital natives in the land of digital immigrants"
- immersed in a world of media and gadgets
- multi-taksers
- pay "continuous partial attention"
- unaware, uncaring of the results of use of their technology (eg. copywrite)...
- so MEDIA LITERACY big role for libs
- their technology world will change radically in the next decade
- approach to research / work will be shaped by new techno-world...
- tag taxonomies -- shared
- flickr
- individuals as nodes of production
- we need to be their "infomation support"...easy to use, there when needed
- we need to react to and shape their environment...
- be brilliant!
CIL'06: Working and Planning with your IT Department
With Barrett Jones, Joint IMF World Bank Library
- it's never easy!
- good tips for talking / working with anyone
- 1 meeting = 3 calls
- 1 call = 5 emails
- (LJ is GOOD at this!)
- use the power of cc in emails
- get invited to IT meetings
- always follow up...shows you're on the ball...record of what went down...mutual understanding
- education
- learn about technology
- visit your server (touch it!!)
- learn the basics
- read:
- NY Times technology section
- Wired magazine
- bring your IT guy to CIL!
- Vendors
- use them
- for advice on tech issues
- they work for US!
- (eg. Mike McL has been awesome!)
- strategy:
- typical to have lots of hoopla re strat plan, then it gets shelved...IT strategy...do we have one? (tbpl / city?)...if so, read it, adopt it, reference it
- dream big, plan small...dream about what you want to DO with technology, then make it happen with technology
CIL'06: Digital Preservation and the Open Web
- archive of electorial campaigns websites example
- capturing labour history in action
- history in the making
- need to archive
- labour contracts database
- Institute of Industrial Relations library
- lots of schools use this resource for teaching
- issues / decisions re where to draw the line when archiving web sites
- rights and permission vary according to host
- web archives access
- open source tool for viewing crawl reuls
- need to capture new publications as they appear
- collaborative collection deveopment
- Info Management Trends
- latest technology
- networked systems
- across organizations
- heterogrenous collections
- expectations
- quick, acurate, 24/7
- results:
- shift into info management roles
- expanded responsibilities
- multiple initiatives
- Who's tending the store?
- Cornell Digital Preservation Management Workshop
- fabbo resource
- commitment management
- digital preservation management
- organization
- technology
- resources
all this made me consider:
- should we establish a digital preservation protocol for TBPL?
- does the City have one?
- collaborative opportunity?
- do we have an archival plan for paper stuff? (eg. newsletters?)
- records management...I think we do for offfical stuff, but what about PR / public stuff
- for eg. is our old webpage gone forever?...do we care?!...value to see how far we've come, document history
CIL'06: Scanning for Planning
Alane Wilson, Editor, 2003 OCLC Environmental Scan
(another Canuck...MLIS from UBC and undergrad from Waterloo)
(another Canuck...MLIS from UBC and undergrad from Waterloo)
- "an accidental futurist"
- "skating where the puck will be" (Wayne Gretzky)
- there are professional futurist associations
- libs need to look OUTSIDE the profession more
- environmental scanning...in reality, like dumpster diving
- no "how to" book...pick landscapes that suit what you're doing
- trend spotting: observing, reading, musing, synthesizing, understanding
- eg. what are peeps doing with handheld devices in other countries
- trendspotters need to be curious
- trends = the momentum in society
- need to do trendspotting FAST...not by committee...need autonomy
- what will you do with the info when it's done...must lead to ACTION
- a library DEPARTMENT could do a scan, and act on it...wow!...what a concept!
- trendwatching.com...a good monthly email magazine
- Wired, Fast Company, Time etc...useful
- read widely outside of lib and info science
- talk to peeps...users and non-users
- collect *stuff* and categorize it...common themes / trends / fit stuff together
- "amazoogle effect"...comprehensive, accessible, immediate gratification, market-of-one...personalization...trends
- highlighted in scan
- blossomed after its publication
- convenience trumps quaility
- gapingvoid.com...good quotes
- favorville...people helping people
- foldera...peekochat...rallypoint...connecting people to others
- librarything.com...amateur cataloguing!
- Shaping Things...(book by Bruce Sterling)
- spimes, blogjets...like FedEx package checking...*stuff* that gathers info as it goes...like people!...new trend
CIL'06: Digi Tech Forum: DEAD TECH
- light-hearted, fun panel with:
- Amanda Etches-Johnson (from McMaster...Canuck #1)
- Aaron Schmidt (Thomas Ford Memorial Library)
- Darlene Fichter (Univ of Sask...Canuck #2)
- Marshall Breeding (Vanderbilt Univ.)
- Stephen Abram (Sirsi-Dynix...Canuck #3)
- this session was all about Library 2.0
- gaming nights
- rock the shelves
- provide places to create podcasts, videos
- innovate / implement / dream on!
- plan for your USERS!
- 2.0 is all about the SOCIAL...connecting with your users where they are
- eg. newsletters become blogs
- eg. subject guides become wikis
- interactive and fun opacs
- mashups: combining 2 or more applications
- microsoft oragmi
- The only safe ship in a storm is leadership. -- Fae Wattleton
- Librarian 2.0 survival tips:
- digital read/write participants
- learning WITH others (sociality of everything)
- facilitators...art of convening converstaions online
- Intercultural Antennae...outside of your default culture
- tolerence for ambiguity...
- feel ok with NOT being in control
- we need to improvise
- learn tools...plaly more...observe
- self-awareness
- Lib2.0 = (books n' stuff + people + radical trust) X participation
- opacs look too much like electronic card catalogues
- need to make the library website a place users WANT to explore more
- we need to do it better
- explose lib content and service through other orgs (eg. City website**)...via rss feed / blog...web services
- next gen OPACS / portals...development cycles too slow on vendor side...+ libs move to new software too slowly
- focus on stratigic, not cool!
- we need to provide the TARGET (like a fly painted on a urinal!)...make it easy for people to find stuff
- be IN your end user's social network
CIL'06: Creative Visitbility: Toolbars and Gamenights!
Scott Rice, Univ. of N. Carolina at Greensborough
- customized firefox toolbar, so that links to full text holdings in the library are provided for google scholar and amazon hits
- check out thh firefox toolbar tutorial...look at other peep's toolbar code
- tons of energy, and fun to listen to!
- all (6,717) students get Think Pads!...wow!
- the univ library hosts an "open game night" and a tournament, to get students into the library
- library provides big screens, projectors, connectors, extension cords etc, (and pizza etc., and trophies!) and the students brought their own games and systems
- tons of positive publicity for the library
- posted a survey on zoomerang
- 100% of students did not mind using their own gaming equipment
CIL'06: Cool Tools Update for Webmasters
- with Darlene Fichter (U. of Sask.) and Frank Cervone (N.W. Univ.)
- PHP editor, PHP expert debugger
- Firefox extensions...lots of fab ones...eg. coloured tabs with X to close on each
- eyeonsite...monitor another server
- link popularity checker
- widgets
- nifty!
- like icons, but 2.0!
- exactmapper lite (free)...automatic site map updater
- web-based organizers:
- www.rememberthemilk.com
- some have free trials, then buy
- www.backpackit.com
- password keepers:
- KeePass -- open source
- Agatra -- web-based
- Roboform -- $29.95
- superglu.com
- several feeds on one page...glue all your blogs together
- Wink
- online tutorial application...flash animation for library instruction
- powerbullet presenter...free
- file exchange utilities...neat-o
- Thumbshots
- liven up web links with thumbnails of front pages of linked sites
- Tag clouds
- Map web visitors...neat-o!
- site users can map where they're from (put a pin in the map!)...
- clustermaps.com
- gvisit.com
- tinyurl.com
CIL'06: Failing to Innovate: Not an Option with Jill Hurst-Wahl, Hurst Associaties
- libraries HAVE to compete with the internet and bookstores...we NEED to innovate
- generations:
- 1925-1942: Silent
- 1943-1960: Boomers
- 1961-1981: GenX
- 1982-now : Millennials (GenM) (also for MEDIA)
- all gens have used technology from the previous gen to develop new
- GenM will outlive us
- GenM:
- always connected / hyper connected
- multi-taskers, info abundance
- we need to help them through the copyright maze in a way that works for them
- want to do things on their schedules
- we have to offer them something that's valuable to them now
- Five Types of Innovation:
- product/service (eg. podcasts)
- process/delivery method (eg. virtual reference)
- marketing/promotion (product / price)
- organizational / social (myspace, sattelite libraries, innovating with users: asking what they want to do / use)
- business model (eg. being everywhere all the time)
- innovation must be continuous
- How do we innovate? (the process...neat...I think we could use this irl)
- idea generation ("ideation" / brainstorming)
- concept feasibility (what could we do?)
- capability development (what can we do?)
- ram up (develop the idea)
- launch (make it happen)
- start again!
- test throughout, ask users
- it takes time to innovate
- everone wants to be creative...make space (in real life and online) for people to be creative...content and tools (to write, make videos etc.)
- be on the "bleeding edge" (where have I heard that before?!)
- libraries as town squares ONLINE...safe meeting places
- strategically, we need to think 20 years ahead
- www.hurstassociates.com (powerpoint will be on Jill's site)
- connect with GenM online...
- ask what they like to do
- tools they need
- spaces they like (in real life, and virtual)
- they like gaming (mimic / incorporate games)
- gaming to bring them in (YEAH TBPL!)
CIL'06: Opening Keynote: Search Engine Report, Chris Sherman, Associate Ed., SearchEngineWatch
- check out www.searchenginewatch.com
- check out www.ask.com
- AskJeeves has evolved into ask...working with Gary Price (a LIBRARIAN...WOW!)...good ready reference tools, natrual language searching, toolbars, fabbo maps and directions (walking and driving)
- google has become more of a media advertising company than a search engine...Google Mars, Google Moon, Google video
- MSN also advertising, search, virtual earth, search result clustering (src), onfolio ("bookmarks on steroids"!), streetview -- race cars etc.
- Yahoo "people mediated" search...tagging, personalization, mindset (slidebar to narrow topic)
- Google and Books "vcr" myopia factor...publishers freaking out aka movie industry and vcr's
- google print library = full text of public domain
- will be adding "Find in a Library" link to OCLC worldcat
- also concept of "giving" the books to the google brain to learn from
- The Dark Side of Personalization:
- convenience vs. confidnetiality
- over time change your search results based on past searches
- "trust, but verify"!
CIL'06: overview
- 2,386 attendees from almost every state, and a whole bunch of countries
- conference presentations are available online...click on the link on the side over there...
- I also have a print copy of collected presenations if you would like to borrow
- this blog is to provide a more in-depth report, further to the quick and dirty one-pager I handed out at Chief's Council on March 27th!
- It was a really amazing conference, and I am thankfull to TBPL for supporting my participation
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