- FOSS4Lib: Free/Open Source Software for Libraries
- includes a survey re if you're lib is inclined to oss
- One-Stop Center
- Pew Report results...not really a good presentation subject...go read the report...
- good chart on page 17 illustrating extensive community / civic engagement
- "Way We Serve Statement" with Steven Bell
- excellent presenter with lots of audience interaction
- focus on User Experience (aka UX)
- need to get to the WHY of the lib...staff know the WHAT we do and HOW to do it, but the core is the WHY (aka Core Values)...tbpl needs to do this (next strat plan?)...then all "work plan" stuff gets tested against the WHY
- used Pike Place Fish Market example: "Treat People as if they are World Famous"
- see Designing Better Libraries blog
- Making Our Future
- more maker culture stuff
- check out tekventure.org (cool chain reaction challenge)
- is anything like this going on in TBay? Would be a cool use for Marina Park buildings...
- shared tools (similar to shared lib resources)
- possible partnership with LU/ConColl engineering?
- again makes me wonder WHY...
Fascinating things I learned at conferences and workshops...intended for the information of my colleagues and anyone else who might be interested.
Friday, July 20, 2012
ALAVC12 Part 2
ALA Virtual Conference 2012
Some thoughts and highlights:
- lots of talk about "Maker Spaces" and maker culture etc...I feel kind of cynical about this...feels trendy, like "scrapbooking" (but then, libraries can use "trends" to draw people in...we have done scrapbooking programs!)...people have been "making" stuff for a long time...but now with new tech / instant communication etc they are getting together to share resources (like super expensive 3D printers, and laser cutteres etc). Some libraries have partnered with local Maker Spaces ...interesting fit ... check out http://www.columbusideafoundry.com/ ...philosophy of sharing / collaboration / open source
- Danish Librarian talking about new "Urban Mediaspace" in Aarhus...see http://www.urbanmediaspace.dk/en Similar project to Danish lib who spoke @ SC12, but this one is newer ...introduced concept of planning using "last responsible minute",which involves mega inclusion / participation / cooperation...open yourself up to knowledge, new ideas, input before making decisions ...they also used Personas in planning ...also mentioned T!NG which is a national scale initiative all about the digital society
- "Thinking Entrepreneurialy"...heavily based on "The Lean Startup" by Eric Ries..."pivot towards success"...adjust while things are in motion...constant beta (blah blah blah...)
- interesting talk from Sacramnento Public Library about the I Street Press. The Library BOUGHT an expensive print on demand printer and has become a publisher for local (and other) authors. Unique take on community engagement / working with local authors...also offering writing classes (using volunteer teachers)
- Moving Upstream: super progressive public lib which built its own ebook platform (Jamie LaRue, from Douglas County (Colorado) Libraries) Look at : http://evoke.cvlsites.org/ open source ebook platform software
- George and Joan on Post-Print Libraries:
- people who get content instantly think it's *better*
- non-text searching eovloving
- ownership>access
- libs need to focus on a SMALL number of things to be EXCELLENT at (we need to give up trying to be all things to all people)
- role for Libs wrt user-managed portfolios (like Flickr, Pinterest, LibraryThing, Delicious)...encourage (and teach) people to manage their own info
Friday, March 23, 2012
Steal These Ideas: 11 Free Marketing Strategies to Try Today
Lindsay Sarin, Andrea Snyder and Julie Strange
- all from Maryland
- Julie blogs at strangelibrarian.com
- marketing is something we all do: not big and scary
- #STIMcil
- marketing is about how you want to present yourself
- need to build your marketing strategy from the ground up (need a good foundation, like a house)
- know where you stand: assess
- start with your staff: have an honest conversation and listen
- look at your numbers...need to know starting point
- ask the user
- i am not my users: i am an information professional...remember the peeps don't think like us
- focus groups are great: but have a third-party moderator
- sometimes the truth hurts
- find out what you need to assess
- create a blueprint: with clear goals
- clear the decks
- be aware of how many messages you are putting out at once
- too many bookmarks are not good!!!
- ditto w posters
- choose the essential and eliminate everything else
- examine the things you like from others' and figure out the elements of their success. replicate
- create your message: what do you want to convey?
- keep the message simple: eg EPL: Spread the words.
- good idea to generate slogan ideas: tweet your lib peeps
- have an idea with staff: get prizes and treats for my MGS brainstorm session: also everyone put 20 ideas on postits and stick them on the wall...make it fun and make it happen
- collect ideas from outside the lib world: get outside the bubble
- right person, right place, right time
- need to keep your current customers happy: word of mouth is fab
- reduce pain-causing stuff: work like a patron...pay attention to how people are using your space, resources etc.
- ask patrons what bugs them about your space / materials / virtual services
- listen, pay attention and fix it
- use your library like a customer and pay attention to little things you can change to make a big difference
- renovate when necessary
- be brave
- "get carded" campaign with giant lib card and local celebs: new pic released each week
- did during lib week/month
- good idea! share with ppp
- stuffed animals sleepover: evening story time, bring your stuffie, stuffie sleeps over, staff takes pics of what stuffies do at night (Teddy Bears photocopied their bear bottoms!) Picked up next day.
- ideas:
- ask patrons to take pix of their lib books on vacation with them
- flat stanley + lib card
- brain storming is fab :)
- give people something to do
- phrase things in active language "Like us on FB"
- tell peeps why your stuff is applicable to them (...this is why you need MGS...)
- *review this pre-mgs brain storming session!*
- immerse yourself in something outside your comfort zone and pay attention while you're there
- get into the community: shameless library promotion
- be a real person, not a building
- create elevator speeches
- keep your librarian brain on at all times
- ifttt.com
- like hootsuite...check it out...can link w google calendar
- assess the results
- debrief after everything: talk to staff and patrons about what worked and what didn't...and learn from that (schedule to do re mgs tag line...six months?...a year?...also wrt ebook help + iHelp and any other initiatives)
- tool kit: decide what you want in your tool kit and build it (ideas etc...)
- stealtheseideasmarketing.tumblr.com
- tips and todos and slides, also resource list: check it out!
- also area to submit your own ideas!!! Fab!
eBook Issues and Challenges Debrief
Chad Mairn, Chief Technology Officer, Novare Lib Services
- ebooks are not new but the devices have recently swelled in popularity
- libraries are about community, not books
- 3rd party ebook vendors are expensive: lots of *stuff* involved...licensing, drm etc...worrisome that these vendors might move to direct to peeps model (like netflicks)
- Douglas County Library has a home-grown system...shows big players that libs *can* do this on their own
- over 50% of peeps purchase books due to being introduced to authors at the library
- big training piece: um, yeah! Role of library staff to train users how to get the ebooks on their devices
- libs need to understand econtent privacy issues, and how to explain to users
- will tweet link to document about privacy...check it out
- new advances: colour e-ink
- libraries need to advocate for open access
- most authors not motivated by money (esp text book authors)
- desire for a discovery layer, to integrate material from a variety of sources in to the lib's opac: people just want the info
- we don't organize hard copy material by publisher, so why should we organize e-stuff by publisher?! (don't have all the Simon and Schuster books together on the shelf!)
- libs need to understand publishers needs (why they provide certain models)...libs need to present our evidence much better, and so do the vendors
- check out mediasurfer...allows peeps to check out ipads and other devices (they are wiped / cleaned when returned)...nifty
- need to think about what the ebook will become: graphic novels / apps / and more...need to plan for that
- information is beautiful WOW! super cool! visual interpretations of data / info...appeals to visual learners (show it to G!)...and share with others (link on FB)...very nifty
- The Unquiet Librarian
- k-12 perspective
- (fabulous southern accent!)
- experience with school kids: ereaders removed stumbling block of "wow that book is HUGE I could never read that!"
- school administrators want to see data-driven results ...evidence-based is pervasive!
- easy management of content is needed
- there is no "one size fits all" solution
- "questions I hear a lot"
- ebooks at the intersection of people, business and tech
- people: the human factor...how ebooks are used
- money: the business factor...how ebooks are being bought/solc
- progress: the tech factor
Benchmaark Study: Library Spending and Priorities 2012
Results presented from Unisphere's 2012 b"enchmark study of funding trends in academic, public and special libraries.
- H. Frank Dervone, Purdue Univ
- David Lee King, Topeka and Shawnee County PL
- Mike Diaz, ProQuest
- Dick Kaser, Info Today
- Joseph McKendrick, Unisphere Research
- think BIG, start small, move fast
- Library Resource Guide benchmark study
- over 700 libs responded to the study
- books have maintained their budget share (from 2011 to 2012)
- public libs more optimistic than academic and special wrt next year's budget
- public libs in general don't do a good job of arguing for what they need: I need to do that for my dept...argue for what I need to improve virtual services...and do it at the right time for budget!
- libs are increasing investment in: ebooks, support for cloud-based solutions
- cloud based computing will grow, esp for smaller libs
- some ils systems are moving to the cloud (really?!...hmmm)
- David Lee King's lib had an MBA holding business librarian who helps peeps with business plans etc.
- cloud computing by libs is up from last year
- libs priorities for coming year: patrons are key
- shift to community-based services (irl or virtually)
- complete report online here...can also email info@dbta.com for a complimentary copy...would be interesting to see how tbpl stacks up esp wrt ebooks
- sector reports will be available over the next ten days -- public, academic and special libs reported on by size of institution
What About eBook Readers?
#cildc #a302
- Chad Mairn, Chief Technology Officer, Novare Library Services
- doing a usability study on eReaders wrt text books
- open forum / audience discussion
- question about what % of budget allocated to ebook format...should it be part of "fiction"...does the content matter?
- also b/c ebooks aren't "bought" (w OD) it's more like a subscription, more like a database than a format...or are they "bought" w Advantage?
- need to be mindful that not ALL patrons have eBook readers
- someone mentioned we were having these conversations when audiobooks came out!
Leveraging Your Social Media to Gain Friends and Influence People
- Julie Theado, Social Media Manager, Columbus Metropolitan Library
- jtheado@columbuslibrary.org
- @columbuslibrary
- Columbus OH...big budget cuts in 2010...needed to tell story and focus social media presence
- big need to be consistent in their message
- needed to gain support for a levy
- Julie is happy to share their social media policy (email her for a copy)
- need to know your customers
- monitor, measure and respond (if nesc)
- used editorial calendars: scheduled messages (what they would say and when they would say it...all planned, not random)
- did FB, twitter, blogger outreach, youtube
- scheduled FB chats...including author chats w local authors (can you chat as your page?...hmm...look in to that)
- "Who Knew Wednesdays": weekly feature to promote...posted interesting questions that staff have answered
- also did FB ads
- Twitter: @LibraryJennifer @PatLosinski (executive director)
- followed media, legislators and customers
- held tweetup as part of the levy outreach: allows people to meet...twtvite is a twitter invitation tool
- blogger relations: did a blogger event, just before summer reading club kick off...invited local bloggers to attend in person, and then they all blogged about it...interesting idea...I should get to know TBay bloggers...they invited Mommy bloggers + did special story time for their kids
- bloggers have their own audiences which you can leverage
- lessons learned: know who you are trying to reach / know your audience
- write punchy and conversational: too much copy is difficult
- approach staff involvement with a strategy
- measure and monitor
- creating quality experiences with your customers in social media is more important than the number
- monitor what is being said about you online: Facebook Insights, Google Alerts, NetVibes.com, Twilert.com
- tools they use: hootsuite, google alterts, twilert, netvibes, issuu (check them out)
- what's next: pinterest
- if it doesn't create results, they stop doing it
- social media from destination to driver (ie driving traffic to web site)
- question about pinterest and copyright...take a look at pinterest...one thing this lib is doing is posting book covers and linking to their opac...similar to what I do with flirck display pix...take a look at it and explore...can you tell how many TBay peeps are using pinterest?
- need to read the pinterest policy (non-profit rules)
- think about following back those who follow us on Twitter...prob will make them more engaged
Creating Inspiring Services: Going Boldly Into the Present
- Michael Edson, Director, Web Strategy and New Media, Office of the CIO, Smithsonian Institution
- slides on slideshare
- "strategy is language that does work"
- the future is going to get stranger and stranger so we need to figure out how to deal with it
- the tool we use to span the gap to the future = strategy
- lots of good books cited ...check 'em out
- "the penguins are real": check out flying penguins video on youtube
- "the present if farm more interesting than people have noticed"
- so what do we do differently to take advantage of this?...
- old learning model: one teacher lots of students...new learning model: learning together...all teachers + students
- think of yourself as an extraterrestirial space auditor! ...compares the stated mission of your org with your collective actions...
- do your ACTIONS match your MISSION?
- on ramps and loading docks: "most of the smart people work for someone else"...you need to let them on board / open the doors for a free flow of ideas / engage with your customers...how can you get stuff OUT and IN of your org
- edge to core: "innovation at the edges: a commons in the middle" commons of shared resources
- focus on mission: clearly understand the impact you want to have
- place the bet: what world am I living in...what impact does my country/city/org want to have in that world?...what should I DO today?
- think big...start small...move fast
Thursday, March 22, 2012
eBook Issues
with LiB and two others (fill in later!)
- with all the e-STUFF...why are eBooks such a contentious issue?
- is it about sharing?
- sharing will always win: major cultural and social head start! Our monkey brains are built around it. Have to share to survive
- sharing is already happening
- "The notions of copyright and intellectual property rights are quaint and adorable." lol!
- This guy is really good...reading his notes but super articulate.
- show the reader you value them by giving up rights to them
- if you treat a book like a book, people will act and respect it accordingly
- libs need to embrace and carry forward the cultural importance of a book into the digital age
- likes stirring stuff up
- lies that lib ebook vendors told:
- ...they're broke
- ...300% is as bad as it's going to get
- ...(will get worse)
- ...how high does it have to go before we have riots in the streets?
- ...publishers are forcing vendors to prevent libraries from owning...not true...publishers don't care as long as they get paid
- lies librarians tell ourselves:
- ...everyone reads ebooks (not everyone likes them)...generally around 5 to 10 % of circs (check ours...I should know the %!)
- ...we read our contracts and negotiate hard (we need to understand the terms, and take classes on negotiation)
- ...without eBooks libs will die...so not true...we are SO much more than that
- we need to take what society has created and equalize it
- "Don't mess with the Librarians, we will take you down!"
- slides on slideshare at LibraryMan (link)
- what made libs work?
- ...some things that worked in the past don't work anymore
- ...technology makes libs more relevant and useful
- communities needs libs to thrive
- libs need new solutions. Substantial highly functional practical solutions...also sustainable.
- the role we fulfill in our communities is precious, meaningful and beautiful
- libraries = content + community
- format evoution requires new infrastructure
- what are the real costs? Why mark-ups? What are the mark-ups used for?
- a group of libs have formed a non-profit...Michael is a rep...to work out this stuff: there are enough libs in the USA to GAIN / take power...we do have control in our hands
- libraries control the infrastructure: sophisticated new models
- Library Renewal
- we need to come together, use this non-profit as a tool to change things: take some ation
- Library Renewal has been doing a lot of research, building relationships and partnerships and working on solutions
- currently seeking funding to build the infrastructure
- bottom line: more money for rights holders and publishers, and huge savings for libraries
Tales from the North (ROFL really SOUTH!) eBook Publishers and Libraries: Win-win solutions
Ken Roberts, Chief Librarians and Michael Ciccone, Director of Collections, Hamilton Public Library
- also guy from eBrary
- working on agreements with publishers
- beginning to see a willingness from "big 6" publishers to use Canada as a testing ground for eBook models / assumptions
- Canadian Urban Library Council (CULC) is working on this
- look at CULC web site re work on eBooks and Public Libraries...are working to make a lot of info public
- Canadian Publishers' Council: the big six publishers
- learned: cautiousness, concern about impact of perpetual access, worry about business model, interest in Canadian options
- shared: alternate licensing models, discovery layer and repository concerns
- Canadian laws protect indigenous publishing industry: BUT only applies to PRINT, not electronic...interesting
- Canadian Pubs Council agreed that libs are important, are looking for a Canadian solution
- Association of Canadian Publishers: formed eBound to support digital publishing...want to know how to sell more to libraries
- talking to them about marketing to libs directly (b/c Content Reserve sucks)
- had lots of frank and open discussions
- very amenable to piloting different pricing models
- issues to resolve: storage (Canadian), delivery, security, tracking, integrated discovery layer
- bibliocommons has been working on eBook integration...does that just mean marc records?...or more?...other discovery layers will be able to do the same thing...does evergreen have a discovery layer?
- what does the discovery layer have that our opac doesn't? Do we need to re-visit?
- not a loan model: an access/licensing model
- fear of publishers of loosing money
- Hamilton proposed model: publishers tell lib what their average sales were for mid- and back- list sales in the city of Hamilton...and lib give them that amount of money, for complete access (simultaneous use) for ebook format for the library patrons...publishers said: well we won't loose money...sounds good...publishers agreed...for Random House. Need to work with other publishers. Amount is not that high. So how is HPL delivering the books? Easy model to expand to other communities.
- same idea pitched to assoc of Canadian publishers...sounds good to them
- agreed to review that figure after a year: it's a pilot
- also agreed to BUY buttons on the lib's opac / bibliocommons...interesting
- another win for publishers
- do patrons still need to sign out the eBooks and have a limited loan period?
- not actually live yet
- eBooks aren't print books
- all at the table need to understand others' perspectives in order to come up with solutions
- pioneered subscription ebook model
- it actually costs more for a publisher to produce an ebook than a paper book
- Patron Driven Access (PDA): cost effective way to expand access, purchase based on use (so patron gets a free 10 minute preview...if they want to use it then the lib buys it)...interesting...lib sets the parameters...generous triggers...expanded coverage for publishers
- bit of an ILL replacement...kind of like what we're piloting at TBPL...interesting
- all these models have worked together...mix and match roi max
- can combine patron-driven, short term loan and purchase models
- need more discussions to find the right model with which to move forward
Creating Innovative Libraries
with Susan Hildreth, Institute of Museum and Library Services
- Institute of Mus and Lib Services (IMLS)
- interested in VALUE of libraries
- IMLS was created about 15 years ago: analyzes trends, share best practices, provides policy advice, partner w other fed agencies (interesting...take a look at their work wrt VALUE project of OLA)...they do research
- primarily a grant-making agency: provide grants for libraries and museums
- IMLS is very well funded by the Obama administration
- link to her slides
- (talked to a librarian who works with the Army Corps of Engineers, here in DC...when I told her where TBay is she mentioned The Edmond Fitzgerald! Big Gordon Lightfoot fan!)
- 21st century users want to be involved + create their own content (move from living room to kitchen...again... :) )
- we need to be EMBEDDED in our communities...we have to go to them...(including virtually)...technology is a means to an end
- the mission of IMLS is to inspire libs and museums to advance innovation, learning and cultural and civic engagement. The provide leadership through research, policy development and grant-making.
- what do we have in Canada that is similar?...probably a mish-mash of gov agencies and organizations: find out
- helping to move libs from NICE TO HAVE to NEED TO HAVE
- libs need to be relevant and meaningful to their users
- check out free online assessment tools (and more at the IMLS Web site)
- four cs: creativity, collaboration, critical thinking...and ?! (communication?) (move from the 3Rs)...find out the 4th c!
- growing diy and maker culture
- people want to learn by doing: great op for libs...KITCHEN! ...maker spaces and places
- shifting physical needs from print to digital: space...to re-purpose / re-program...hmmmm...how can we make our newfound pace in to THE KITCHEN
- check out Chicago Public Library's YOUmedia Center...nice model for a Maker Lab...has been very successful: building skills and engaging kids
- promoting libs as strong community ANCHORS...nice! new buzz word!
- community anchor also wrt virtual:...ANCHOR is not nesc place-based...also online
- focus on how libs are impacting the workforce: "Opportunity for All" study about lib use (public access computers) to find jobs ..."career and employment needs"...four million peeps found work using a lib computer: major huge impact
- has a partnership with Dept of Labour
- "Connecting to Collections" report...focus on preserving and maintaining access to unique items
- "Digging Into Data" challenge...wrg BIG DATA...working on international protocols for managing research (look in to how Canada is involved)
- DPLA: Digital Public Library of America (look it up)
- research reports: take a look and see if any models for OLA value of libs work
- goal of "Public Management Excellence"...creating a culture of planning, evaluation and evidence-based practice...planning and evaluation vip to show what you're doing is making a difference
- "prudent risk-taking"...libs need to just do it!...perpetual beta mind-set...but when dealing with public funds you have to be prudent...fine balance! Need to learn from failure if you're going to grow.
- look at slide w flow chart of imls's Performance Improvement Model: develop, assess, inform, look at impact, reshape based on feedback
- DPLA: digital public library of America...at proof of concept stage...a future for libs in a could computing world...broad public access to info on a "free to all" basis: a huge vision...imls is a partner. Addressing need for libs to incorporate many types of materials beyond text. Has been development more extensively in Europe. Project managed by the Berkman Centre for Internet and Society at Harvard. Take a closer look at it. Sounds like a huge, amazing project. Early stages at the mo'
- What is the dpla? Collaborative effort...active online community of over 1,000 members. Anyone can sign up.
- working on open source code, linking meta-data systems
- frame of the DPLA is much larger than eBooks...more about wider e-content...boarder, longer-standing vision
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Computers in Libraries 2012 (CIL)
- check out the Conference Web site
- and blog
- and twitter hash tag #CILDC
- lots of great ideas, slides and even streaming presentations
- learned about this new search engine: blekko (no spam, privacy, no ads, user-generated slashtags)
Sunday, February 05, 2012
Images from SC12
Library as Place: Tales from the Community Learning Commons
- staff from Richmond Hill PL
- (link to slides #1803)
- RHPL is heavily used
- used library space for trade show type events to showcase local businesses, artists, authors, crafts people
- also did Extended Study Hall program where the lib was open two hours later than usual exclusively for the use of post-secondary students (also professionals...like people studying for CA exams) during exam times...staffed only by security guards...had in-house access to lib resources and computers...peeps had to be there when the library closed and re-admittance was not allowed
- Technology Fair: invited vendor sales reps, did internet classes, drop-in tech help, invited staff from local tech stores and held a "Teen Technology Mosh Pit" in which teen volunteers helped peeps with their tech questions
- also included adaptable technology
- Health Fair: had a "fair"-like atmosphere, kept it local, building relationships with local health care providers (used previous room-bookings as leads)
- interesting approach to the "library as place" mind set...don't have to squirrel programs away in meeting rooms, use the whole space
Copyright Update
- with the amazingly articulate and incredibly smart Margaret Ann Wilkinson from UWO
- IFLA has put library exemptions in to the international forum...librarians have put users' rights on the international agenda for the first time
- (slides online)
- "not pedagogically advisable" ...describing text-rich slides...*so* articulate!
- "publication" is not defined in the copyright act...question arose around hyperlinks and if they are considered publishing (esp. if they are endorsed ...eg "staff suggested links")...the majority of the Supreme Court made this analogy about hyperlinking: it's like a reference in the publishing context: therefore hyperlinking is not considered publication
- the Supreme Court is poised to do things we like
- "fair dealing"...private study (one person) vs a whole class (simply "study")..another scenario is making copies for tests and exams
- can visit Supreme Court of Canada Web site and put in file number for updates (file numbers noted on slides)
- currently waiting for two Supreme Court judgments
- in case law "publishing" = making copies for the public...but Supreme Court decision trumps all
- 4 tariffs pending
- sells the right to reproduction (wrt PRINT only)
- contracts are for a limit amount of time
- Universities are all separate legal entities...Bd of Governors have to deal with copyright: it's a legal decision and involves risk-assessment
- Colleges are slightly different
- Access Copyright is the adversary
- some unis have decided to go with Access Copyright, so are not in infringement
- THIS JUST HAPPENED LAST MONDAY: 3rd option: UWO and UofT signed a contractual arrangement with Access Copyright...it's interesting that AC would do it...as they have unis before the Copyright Board...this 3rd option has never happened before...amount in contact is $27.50 per student...amt before Board is $45...whacked that AC is basically under-bidding itself
- UofT and UWO now have certainty re what they are going to pay
- the Tariffs don't include indemnification (ie to pay cost of lawsuit/judgment) therefore protection for rights-holders not in AC
- OLA and CLA made representation to the Copyright Board about this
- the risk for UofT and UWO is that the Bd might decide on an even lower amount
- from a copyright perspective UofT and UWO have showed a third way
- todo: research how AC got started
- the question if whether or not these new agreements are good for libraries in general or not...
- how can we as a full community use this?...we need to work together and leverage our position...obviously there is something wrong with the new process if these peeps are making alternate arrangements
- Bill C11 will prob pass as it is
- CLA had brought forward points that OLA had raised wrt previous bill (as Govt would only hear "new" depositions)
- gov't uses the term "education" but does not define it narrowly...therefore could include libraries (self-study, lifelong learning etc)
- in some FAB news: CLA had ngo status at a huge World Intellectual Property Organization session (held Nov 21-23, 2011)...as did IFLA...and brought the need to consider libraries and archives to the world stage
- this was an historic event in the history of librarianship
- users rights moved from the UN to the trade side of the world stage
- all the nations recognized libraries as trusted intermediaries
- continuing to talk about an international statement or treaty about intellectual property...wow! stay tuned... all IFLA's text is on the table
- take a look at "resources" ont he last slide
Saturday, February 04, 2012
Library Snapshot Day
- guy from Owen Sound PL
- Day in the Life of the Library project
- modeled after ALA project
- nice way to collect stories to enhance stats / tell the story of the library
- set up a camera at the ref desk to snap a pic every minute during the day, then made a movie!
Sketching Library Transformation: The Public Innovation Space
- with Knud Schulz from Denmark...CEO of Aarhus city Library
- slides on SlideShare
- ownership of the library space moves from the librarians to the peeps
- the space as medium
- libraries for peeps, not books
- iFloor...wow!
- NewsLAB
- robots
- clap screen
- force users to dismiss "book" as the library brand
- users should be part of the innovation process
- subject browsing story surfer...wow! iFloor Kids Opac...then move "book" to iTable where you can play / get more info / print out call number and cover of book
- Local history "balloon voyage" like google earth / street view with extra local history pics / info / documents added
- inspiration space, learning space, meeting space, performance space
- experience/discover/participate/create...what can you do yourself...what do you need partnerships for?
- urban media space Web site...check it out
- ALE: Academy of Library Experience...inviting librarians to work at this Library / use their space to do a project
- wow...pretty much mind-blowing awesomeness
User Experience (aka UX)
- two peeps from Guelph University Library
- UX in the lib and Web site
- we are not our patrons
- wwpd: what would the peeps do
- consider user behaviour first and foremost
- Henry Ford quote re faste
r horse...balance what peeps say they want with figuring out what they need..."If I'd asked my customers what they wanted, they would have asked for a faster horse." - slides are here (session 1018)
- anthropologists' techniques
- the user is not broken...often more marketing is not the solution
- Univ of Rochester wrote a book on UX..."Studying Students"...an anthropologist worked at the Library
- reading list will be on SC Web site
- check out the blog Designing Better Libraries
- piano stairs video good example
- way-finding exercise ...how users navigate space
- don't say "how do you like our signs"...say "go here" and watch
- the newly established UX team encountered some sensitivity of turf issues with other Departments...learned a lot about insider bias
- the library is like our home so it's hard to view objectionably
- look for people using work-arounds and think about how you can make things better / easier for them
- con
- sider working with anthropologists / anthropology students
- live the UX attitude!
- noted next day that super busy TO Starbucks personalized the assembly-line experience by noting peoples' first names on coffee cups...or maybe it's just easier that way?!)
Thursday, February 02, 2012
User Needs Assessment and Usability: Planning to Analysis
- session 611 ppt available here
- test, test, test...go to the real users
- "Don't Make Me Think"...good book, look it up
- never make assumptions
- should I have "usability" in my job description? (do I?)...big part of virtual services
- NYPL has a blog about usability
Jonah Lehrer Plenary
- wow a v smart guy!
- insight: comes out of the blue with a feeling of certainty that this is IT, the answer
- the answer often arrives when you stop looking for it
- GRIT: creative geniuses keep trying...they have GRIT...keep working in spite of rejection
- practice makes perfect
- 80% of success is showing up (Woody Allen)...that is the grit bit!
- also about choosing the right goal
- does the goal pass the underwear test?...do you feel your underwear?...no, b/c you have adapted to its feel...the brain is designed to be ungrateful...so pursuits that don't bore us keep us interested...grit...passion/love...Love is the opposite of underwear!
- when you feel like you've hit the wall is the time to relax
- if you feel like the answer is on the tip of your tongue, you need to keep focussing / working and use grit
- creative collaboration: cross-disciplinary teams are proven more creative / able to solve complex problems...work together or fail alone
- ideal template for creative collaboration = SPACE
- and libraries can provide that to communities
- human interaction is essential...the jostle of human interaction is essential
- physical space is VIP (even more in this time of the interwebs)
- something magical happens when people bump into eath other irl
- no technology can replace people meeting in the flesh
- the imagination is a magic trick of matter
Collaboration + Immagination = Innovation
- tale of a small town library that grew
- Librarian + town CAO worked together
- result + new library/community gym/town building
- made old small library super busy to generate buzz / demonstrate need for new one
- no Parks and Rec staff in their town...library took that on
- mayor's philosophy: if you want a raise in pay you have to prove that your worth to the organization has increased
- follow Municipal Cultural Planning
- had all ducks in a row when funding became available (like MJLB)
- Hasting Highlands PL
How to Host a Human Library
- promo for the Human Library Toolkit on the OLA Web site
- finding "books" is one of the biggest challenges
- everyone has a story to share
- the social awkwardness of casual encounters is removed
- promote tolerance and celebrates differences
- tons of advice, tools and branding available on the OLA Web site
- there is a Human Library Organization you an register with
- "Help us find human books" survey...ask the peeps to help and also generate interest
- buttons available at OLA store
- never judge a book by its cover
- check out Human Library videos on YouTube
Wednesday, February 01, 2012
SC12: Opening Plenary w Tom Wujec
- clarifying the value of libraries for the future...impact of technology on industry and creativity
- innovation always starts w peeps getting together to doodle/think/create ...so DO that for Virt Coll tag line! (use playdough/markers etc. a la Stephen Abram session at MLA)
- lots of mind-boggling futuristic examples of rapid fabrication / 3D printing / synthetic biology / nanotechnology
- creativity = the skill to move from idea to realization
- immagination: new ideas
- innovation: making things happen
- imagination (new ideas / mindset)...creativity...innovation (making things happen / toolset)
- book "The Shallows" explains how the internet is shaping our brains...diluting ability to sustain attention etc.
- clarifying the value of libs in the future...the *format* of information will always change...so libs need to have a clear idea of what we do
- what is "clarity"?...if you don't create a CLEAR message to your customers, they will create one for you...(interesting...)...good msg for life in general...
- clarity: easy, simple, SHARED descriptions
- make ideas VISIBLE...bring ideas to all senses
- use notes, diagrams, visualizations to get clarity
- future of the lib...not a simple answer
- need to figure out what works for YOU community
- look up Tom's clarity tools (will post in pdf)...eg:
- unlike (competition)... we (do this)...
- be aware and limber wrt new tech, but be true to your value proposition (good advice in general!)
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