Friday, July 20, 2012

ALA Virtual Conference 2012

Some thoughts and highlights:

  • lots of talk about "Maker Spaces" and maker culture etc...I feel kind of cynical about this...feels trendy, like "scrapbooking" (but then, libraries can use "trends" to draw people in...we have done scrapbooking programs!)...people have been "making" stuff for a long time...but now with new tech / instant communication etc they are getting together to share resources (like super expensive 3D printers, and laser cutteres etc).  Some libraries have partnered with local Maker Spaces ...interesting fit ... check out ...philosophy of sharing / collaboration / open source 
  • Danish Librarian talking about new "Urban Mediaspace" in Aarhus...see   Similar project to Danish lib who spoke @ SC12, but this one is newer ...introduced concept of planning using "last responsible minute",which involves mega inclusion / participation / yourself up to knowledge, new ideas, input before making decisions ...they also used Personas in planning   ...also mentioned T!NG which is a national scale initiative all about the digital society
  •  "Thinking Entrepreneurialy"...heavily based on "The Lean Startup" by Eric Ries..."pivot towards success"...adjust while things are in motion...constant beta (blah blah blah...)
  • interesting talk from Sacramnento Public Library about the I Street Press.  The Library BOUGHT an expensive print on demand printer and has become a publisher for local (and other) authors.  Unique take on community engagement / working with local authors...also offering writing classes (using volunteer teachers)
  • Moving Upstream:  super progressive public lib which built its own ebook platform (Jamie LaRue, from Douglas County (Colorado) Libraries)  Look at :  open source ebook platform software
  • George and Joan on Post-Print Libraries:  
    • people who get content instantly think it's *better*
    • non-text searching eovloving
    • ownership>access
    • libs need to focus on a SMALL number of things to be EXCELLENT at (we need to give up trying to be all things to all people)
    • role for Libs wrt user-managed portfolios (like Flickr, Pinterest, LibraryThing, Delicious)...encourage (and teach) people to manage their own info

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