used library space for trade show type events to showcase local businesses, artists, authors, crafts people
also did Extended Study Hall program where the lib was open two hours later than usual exclusively for the use of post-secondary students (also people studying for CA exams) during exam times...staffed only by security guards...had in-house access to lib resources and computers...peeps had to be there when the library closed and re-admittance was not allowed
Technology Fair: invited vendor sales reps, did internet classes, drop-in tech help, invited staff from local tech stores and held a "Teen Technology Mosh Pit" in which teen volunteers helped peeps with their tech questions
also included adaptable technology
Health Fair: had a "fair"-like atmosphere, kept it local, building relationships with local health care providers (used previous room-bookings as leads)
interesting approach to the "library as place" mind set...don't have to squirrel programs away in meeting rooms, use the whole space
"publication" is not defined in the copyright act...question arose around hyperlinks and if they are considered publishing (esp. if they are endorsed "staff suggested links")...the majority of the Supreme Court made this analogy about hyperlinking: it's like a reference in the publishing context: therefore hyperlinking is not considered publication
the Supreme Court is poised to do things we like
"fair dealing"...private study (one person) vs a whole class (simply "study")..another scenario is making copies for tests and exams
in case law "publishing" = making copies for the public...but Supreme Court decision trumps all
Access Copyright:
4 tariffs pending
sells the right to reproduction (wrt PRINT only)
contracts are for a limit amount of time
Universities are all separate legal entities...Bd of Governors have to deal with copyright: it's a legal decision and involves risk-assessment
Colleges are slightly different
Access Copyright is the adversary
some unis have decided to go with Access Copyright, so are not in infringement
THIS JUST HAPPENED LAST MONDAY: 3rd option: UWO and UofT signed a contractual arrangement with Access's interesting that AC would do they have unis before the Copyright Board...this 3rd option has never happened before...amount in contact is $27.50 per student...amt before Board is $45...whacked that AC is basically under-bidding itself
UofT and UWO now have certainty re what they are going to pay
the Tariffs don't include indemnification (ie to pay cost of lawsuit/judgment) therefore protection for rights-holders not in AC
OLA and CLA made representation to the Copyright Board about this
the risk for UofT and UWO is that the Bd might decide on an even lower amount
from a copyright perspective UofT and UWO have showed a third way
todo: research how AC got started
the question if whether or not these new agreements are good for libraries in general or not...
how can we as a full community use this?...we need to work together and leverage our position...obviously there is something wrong with the new process if these peeps are making alternate arrangements
Bill C11 will prob pass as it is
CLA had brought forward points that OLA had raised wrt previous bill (as Govt would only hear "new" depositions)
gov't uses the term "education" but does not define it narrowly...therefore could include libraries (self-study, lifelong learning etc)
in some FAB news: CLA had ngo status at a huge World Intellectual Property Organization session (held Nov 21-23, 2011) did IFLA...and brought the need to consider libraries and archives to the world stage
this was an historic event in the history of librarianship
users rights moved from the UN to the trade side of the world stage
all the nations recognized libraries as trusted intermediaries
continuing to talk about an international statement or treaty about intellectual! stay tuned... all IFLA's text is on the table
ownership of the library space moves from the librarians to the peeps
the space as medium
libraries for peeps, not books!
clap screen
force users to dismiss "book" as the library brand
users should be part of the innovation process
subject browsing story! iFloor Kids Opac...then move "book" to iTable where you can play / get more info / print out call number and cover of book
Local history "balloon voyage" like google earth / street view with extra local history pics / info / documents added
inspiration space, learning space, meeting space, performance space
experience/discover/participate/create...what can you do yourself...what do you need partnerships for?
Henry Ford quote re faste r horse...balance what peeps say they want with figuring out what they need..."If I'd asked my customers what they wanted, they would have asked for a faster horse."
slides are here (session 1018)
anthropologists' techniques
the user is not broken...often more marketing is not the solution
Univ of Rochester wrote a book on UX..."Studying Students" anthropologist worked at the Library
don't say "how do you like our signs"...say "go here" and watch
the newly established UX team encountered some sensitivity of turf issues with other Departments...learned a lot about insider bias
the library is like our home so it's hard to view objectionably
look for people using work-arounds and think about how you can make things better / easier for them
sider working with anthropologists / anthropology students
live the UX attitude!
noted next day that super busy TO Starbucks personalized the assembly-line experience by noting peoples' first names on coffee cups...or maybe it's just easier that way?!)
insight: comes out of the blue with a feeling of certainty that this is IT, the answer
the answer often arrives when you stop looking for it
GRIT: creative geniuses keep trying...they have GRIT...keep working in spite of rejection
practice makes perfect
80% of success is showing up (Woody Allen)...that is the grit bit!
also about choosing the right goal
does the goal pass the underwear test? you feel your underwear?, b/c you have adapted to its feel...the brain is designed to be pursuits that don't bore us keep us interested...grit...passion/love...Love is the opposite of underwear!
when you feel like you've hit the wall is the time to relax
if you feel like the answer is on the tip of your tongue, you need to keep focussing / working and use grit
creative collaboration: cross-disciplinary teams are proven more creative / able to solve complex together or fail alone
ideal template for creative collaboration = SPACE
and libraries can provide that to communities
human interaction is essential...the jostle of human interaction is essential
physical space is VIP (even more in this time of the interwebs)
something magical happens when people bump into eath other irl
no technology can replace people meeting in the flesh
clarifying the value of libraries for the future...impact of technology on industry and creativity
innovation always starts w peeps getting together to doodle/think/create DO that for Virt Coll tag line! (use playdough/markers etc. a la Stephen Abram session at MLA)
lots of mind-boggling futuristic examples of rapid fabrication / 3D printing / synthetic biology / nanotechnology
creativity = the skill to move from idea to realization
immagination: new ideas
innovation: making things happen
imagination (new ideas / mindset)...creativity...innovation (making things happen / toolset)
book "The Shallows" explains how the internet is shaping our brains...diluting ability to sustain attention etc.
clarifying the value of libs in the future...the *format* of information will always libs need to have a clear idea of what we do
what is "clarity"?...if you don't create a CLEAR message to your customers, they will create one for you...(interesting...)...good msg for life in general...
clarity: easy, simple, SHARED descriptions
make ideas VISIBLE...bring ideas to all senses
use notes, diagrams, visualizations to get clarity
future of the lib...not a simple answer
need to figure out what works for YOU community
look up Tom's clarity tools (will post in pdf)
unlike (competition)... we (do this)...
be aware and limber wrt new tech, but be true to your value proposition (good advice in general!)