E-resource training: uncovering a collection of hidden gems
Amanda Larsen, Burlington PL
Amanda is the training librarian at bpl (recently promoted to something else...vp of something)
did the Betty Blogger program (I went to her talk two years ago)
was also manager of electronic resources
will cover why / research / layout / numbers / lessons learned
History of the initiative:
BPL has 6 branches; 54 Info services staff, 2 training staff (1 Librarian and 1 LA...do both staff and patron training), 80+ e-Resources
use was less than stellar when she took over their management
majority of staff not comfortable promoting eresources
start plan touched on skill development (as ours does...)
HR dept had done a skills-assessment survey (what a good idea)...wanted to know what staff wanted to know, what they wanted to get from training, and surveyed what other libs did (todo: ask Amanada for her report / references)
part of Amanda's strategy to increase usage...
Amanda proposed eresources learning program...after researching the program (6 steps in research: survey staff / identify internal use / survey other libs / analyze feedback / consult with services delivery managers / make recomendation
used surveymonkey to survey staff
sounds like our staff are way more smart than theirs were!...or more willing to use / share our databases with patrons
“each one teach one” new name for “train the trainer”
Amanda decided customers are unclear about purposes of the databases, and staff feel they're not equipped with strategies to use an eresource to answer a ref question quicklly...I don't think that's the case in our shop.
...too much background, not enough nitty gritty!...she is reading notes, but still a dynamic speaker
project layout: will be in 2010...shared responsibility in training...staff like the model...self-directed...had used that model before for web 2.huh!
had used blogger before, so staff familiar...easy to work with
lots of links to vendor web sites / their training resources (good idea)
blog included projects for staff to work on
included articles on databases (why are they important / how funded / google vs databases etc...major important for conext...great idea...)
tip sheets about the training
trainers choose four databases which needed immediate help
we don't eed to know about all the databases, just the training part!!!
beginning May 1 training began...weekly email (w database of the week), re blog update with special features and contextual reference questions (that staff had to answer and hand in)...a short paragraphy talking about a fictional patron who comes in at 10 mins to closing etc...based on read patrons in most cases
focus not on HOW to search the database (assumed info service staff would already know how to do that)...rather WHY they should use a database
staff had all month to complete all four questions...could move at own pace, designed to be completed on desk in a minimal amount of time; collaboration with peers encoruaged
very self-directed
I could enhance database of the month with a blog like this, and a scenario quesion to answer...maybe for 2012 work plan?...chat with Jesse re how it would go over...work with ref staff to come up with scenarios...do it!!!
there were no “right” answers to the questions...praise/praise/praise! (great work / don't forget about this...)...many ways to get to the “answer”...prompt staff to actually use the tool...not a test, an exercise
“bonus question” on federated seach system...incentive prize
creating context: later in year...choosing which eresource to use at the ref dest...developed a template for staff to describe each eresource...templates were potsed to the blog also (Amanda is happy to email teamplate to peeps)...info found on vendor sites
staff presented 5-10 minute talks at staff meetings about eresources...follwed the template, used contextual ref questions...focus on WHY, not HOW...posted completed templates to a shared online space...great idea, esp for new staff
def meet with Jess about this...prob good for ALL staff, esp supply/sunday/pages...also need to talk to YW re how to pay for supply/sunday...but can do online...that is the key, so no issue....make it part of orientation
Calgary public does this well also...look at their e-resources page on their Web site***
had 54 participants, 50 completed, 30 did bonus...15-45 minutes per question...100% feel more confidnet...85% now completely comfrotabele with eresources as a reference tool
outcome = 20% increase in eresource stats...I had way more with dbase of the month!!!...but this could majorly enhance, esp for non-ref staff + sunday/supply/pages
now easy to re-do this training...would just need to update the blog...nifty
lessons learned: timing is everything...spring works well for bpl...have a post-training plan...you can never give or get enough feedback (use surveymonkey)...do your homework...beg, borrow or steal for an incentive prize...set up a seperate email account for training (or a filter)
do your homework re the question you set, to ensure there are adequate resoruces there to get an answer
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