I used to watch Amber on TechTV with Leo Leporte, and listen to her podcasts regularly. She is a font of social media info...a ROCK STAR!!!
Amber's ABCs of social media:
- A: Authenticity...admit your mistakes (eg. PizzaPizza CEO's apology video)
- B: Bravery...try new things...invent and innovate
- C: Consistency...practice power friending...internally and externally...it's a long term plan and consistency yields results
- tell a story
- use multimedia (eg. YouTube videos)
- encourage comments (including your own!)...no one wants to be the first to comment
- power-friend
- free content in iTunes podcast store...eg. CommandN TV...share your passion
- ask your community to help you create content / local experts / keeners re photog/video
- idea TODO: for 2010 DBase of the Month promotion...do a short podcast intro (or even a video using SweetPea!!!) to a tutorial (play with new screencapture software)...get Ref staff / patrons to podcast/talk/video them re how a database helped them answer a question / solve a problem (eg HA!!!)
- photojojo.com
- technorati.com
- squarespace.com
- friendfeed.com
- box.net
- libsyn.com (about $20 a month, hosts podcastss and gets them on iTunes)
- hootsuite.com (professional twitter client)...can *schedule* tweets!!! would be fab for Xmas hours/notices/program promos etc!!! (and dbase of the month)
- readwriteweb.com
- techcrunch.com
- mashable.com
- namechk.com (reserve your handle on a bunch of sites -- eg. TBayPL / TBPL / ThunderBayPublicLibrary + personal) TODO: this!!!
- ambermac.com
- more popular than email!!!
- TODO: email Amber re FB url/page with tips for fan page admins...esp re tool to pull in flickr pics and more...use FriendFeed too (also page / utility to download and save (ie backup) FB info
- Best practices:
- grow from the inside out (ie get staff hooked / 23 things etc...)
- seed the community (be the first to comment and others will follow)
- integrate all your feeds
- promote your presence
- this is the FUTURE!
- Twitter growing at an amazing pace
- Zappos Shoes is hot on Twitter -- TODO: follow them! also look up Tony Zappos -- fab CEO who encourages staff to use social medial (google him re "case studies)
- use hash tags
- post pics on Twitter (can you link to flickr?) TODO: find out!
- recommends "Flip" video camera (one button!...TODO: consider)
- leverage LOCAL social media celebrities and use them!!!
- don't be AFRAID!!!!
- new accessibility guidelines = close captioning *** (or at least provide transcript...good best-practice for all tutorials) (TODO: find out what AODA says)
- Best Practices:
- keep it short (1 - 3 minutes)
- use easy technology
- share them everywhere
- brand your videos (ie with your logo)
- build your own (eg. ning...DIY soical network)
- mobile: friending on the go
- podcasting: mini web-i-sodes
- power friend bloggers
- video: shoot yourself!
General Tips / Ideas
- no one likes to be the first to leave a comment so start the conversation yourself
- moderate comments, but do so loosely
- add your FB/Twitter etc urls to your email signatures TODO: this!...+ "follow us" / "be a fan"...+ do a fab Your Library Does Not End Here and put it here (and/or a simple "follow us on..." "be a fan"...poster...)
- amber@mgimedia.ca
- TODO: consider flickr photo contest (or video)?...re share your memories of MJLB (ie old building)...or even a blog or twitter or use FB ...and #mjlb??? or #tbpl for broader use? (chat it up with consultant / TT wrt communication plan)
- get buy-in from the top (+ involvement)...this is VIP
fave Amber quote: "I'm kind of an internet hippie"